Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Things I Love Thursday: Thriving Family Magazine

There are two things I'm always trying to do with my kids: teach them about Jesus and keep them entertained. Unfortunately, it's not always in that order! That's why I'm so thrilled with a new magazine that I heard about from Amanda over at Impress Your Kids. Thriving Family magazine is published by Focus on the Family and is chock full of great articles, resources, and, most importantly, activities for entertaining your kids WHILE teaching them about Jesus!! My favorite section so far is Faith on the Go, which is a tear-out calendar with ideas for EACH day of the month! There are scripture verses to memorize, object lessons, and simple acts of service each week. I am truly in love and can't wait to get started.

The ideas are easy and since there's an idea for each day, if you need/want to skip one, you can do that and still have plenty of meaningful activities for the week. The timing couldn't be better. As I stare down two months of the "I'm bored" chorus, I will at least have a few ideas up my sleeve and ready to go. So often there are ideas that I read about in a blog and want to do, but when the time comes I've forgotten where I found it in the first place.

I also enjoy the articles on parenting and marriage. As a former parenting mag junkie, it is refreshing to have a trusted resource from a Christian perspective. It seems to be an all-around good magazine for all the roles that I play. I'll keep you posted when I've had a chance to implement the ideas. If we stay on track through the end of July, the girls and I should have memorized at least 5 verses. I can't think of a better way to spend time with my kids. You can get your copy here.

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